

The University Of Nigeria, Nsukka started rather in a hurry without the benefit of a well designed Master Plan that would guide the University’s orderly growth and development area of physical and infrastructural facilities. The initial development to say, the least was ad hoc in nature. The Nigeria Civil War which started in 1967 exacerbated the problems by leaving the University structures largely ravaged.

At this period and before the advent of the master plan, the Works Services, Department was responsible for the provision of :

  1. New infrastructure and
  2. Maintenance of the existing ones

The University was, however blessed with a well articulated which was approved in 1981.

Following the approval of University Of Nigeria Master Plan, The Implementation of the Master Plan provisions, as well as the maintenance of the existing infrastructure appeared too enormous for the Works Services Department to cope with. Therefore, there was need to establish a unit in the Vice Chancellor’s Office charged with the responsibility for the implementation of the University’s Master Plan, and also to carry out academic planning activities. This gave rise to the establishment of a PLANNING UNIT under the Vice Chancellor’s Office. This however, did not yield the desired result because the academic and physical planning activities were rather very broad tasking.

The university Administration, in consideration of the above had to split the planning unit into:


This gave birth to Physical Planning Unit, of The Vice Chancellor’s office about 1982.